Selection and recruitment of people based on character
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    Reasons to Hire People Based on Their Personality

    Reasons to Hire People Based on Their Personality

    It is never easy to find and hire new employees and when there are many candidates, those who don´t have enough experience are excluded first. Most employers don´t consciously pay much attention to personality, and when it´s done then it is during the interview, and by that time many candidates are already been excluded. Employers are still mostly interested in previous experience and what is their set of skills. Here are some reasons why you should pay attention to candidates' personalities:

    • Skills can be learned – even though most employers hire based on skills then you need to remember that different skills can be learned but you can not change a person's character. All the necessary skills will be learned in about three months in the new position. What cannot be taught is a person's willingness to learn and develop, work ethic, honesty and openness, and suitability with other team members. For example, if your company needs a salesman and there is a choice between two people - a young salesman who has no experience but wants to sell and people like him because of his bright personality. Or someone who has been doing this job for 20 years but is already tired of it and customers can sense that attitude. Which option do you choose?

    • The right team can make all the difference - there are few jobs where people work entirely alone and there is no need to communicate with the team. In most companies, communication with the team is important, especially for larger projects. In other words, when hiring a new person you should still keep in mind that he or she will fit in with the existing team. Conflicts between too different personalities are easier to happen.

    • Replacing unsuitable employees is costly - if an employee fits into the company, he or she is much less likely to leave or be fired. Finding a new person is costly and it takes a lot of time to train someone again.

    • Greater employee involvement - people who enjoy their jobs are more satisfied, which means that they are open to developing and advancing in their careers. When employees fit together, they collaborate and share ideas, which ultimately means more success for the company.

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