The Most Common Mistakes to Avoid at All Costs
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    Top CV Mistakes According to Employers

    Top CV Mistakes According to Employers

    Your CV is the first impression an employer or recruiter will have of you. If that first impression is not a good one, you can say goodbye to landing an interview. However, no matter how carefully you look over your CV, a mistake is easily made. Once a mistake is made, no matter how small, the damage is done. Even if you’re a qualified candidate, a typo here and there could mean the difference between an interview and a missed opportunity. To ensure that your CV makes it past the gatekeepers and into the hiring manager’s hands, here are the most common pitfalls to avoid:

    1. Spelling errors and bad grammar

    Mistakes can happen; however spelling and grammatical mistakes look sloppy. They show that you didn’t care enough to check your CV before sending it off.

    • Your best bet is to get a fresh pair of eyes to look over your CV. Ask a trusted friend, colleague or family member who may spot any errors you may have missed. Or print it out before sending and read it – you always spot so much ore when it’s printed.

    2. A CV that is too long

    Even though you may have plenty of work experience, knowledge and skills, your CV should ideally not exceed 2 A4 pages.

    • Focus on results and roles where you made an impact. If further information is required, you can always elaborate in interviews.

    3. Lying on your CV

    Tempted to lie on your CV? Don’t do it! Whether you’re thinking of exaggerating your language skills or making up qualifications, it’s never a good idea as you will almost certainly be found out. In some cases, it could be considered a criminal offence if the lie leads to you securing a well-paid role.

    • Be real about what you know and what you're still keen to learn. Don’t forget that skills can always be taught.

    4. Poor formatting

    Poor formatting is one of the first things employers notice when looking at your CV. It can reflect badly on you, as it looks like you don’t pay close attention to detail.

    • Your CV is you on paper, so make sure the layout’s as close to perfect as possible. Employers are looking for CVs which are easily scannable, clean and professional. If something is formatted badly, then there isn’t much point in reading on.

    5. Not focusing on your achievements

    One of the most common CV mistakes is to simply list the responsibilities you had for each of your job roles. However, this only lets employers know what you did, rather than how well you performed in each job.

    • By focusing on achievements and results, you stand out from other candidates. The focus should be on what a person has gained from their employment and what they can bring to a new company.

    6. Incorrect or missing contact information

    If your CV is missing important information such as phone number and email address, recruiters will find it hard to get in touch with you. Also, putting an unsuitable email address as a contact detail can instantly derail your application will make you seem extremely unprofessional and overshadow the rest of your application.

    • Make sure your email address is appropriate and conveys the right impression. To be on the safe side, use an email address that contains your first name and your last name.

    7. Not including hobbies and interests

    Hobbies and interests are a great way of giving an insight into who you are as a person and how you could possibly fit within the team.

    • Think about the things you’re passionate about which will support your application. These hobbies can show teamwork, leadership, time management and communication skills, as well as showing your dedication and commitment.

    You only get one chance to make a first impression. So, make sure that the first impression your CV gives is a good one. Good luck with applying!

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